Tuesday, June 10, 2008

That "terrorist fist-jab"

In this campaign, one quote keeps running through my mind. From Alexander Pope's "The Rape of the Lock,"
"What mighty contests rise from trivial things"
I swear, one of these days we are going to hear about somebody finding something ominous and potentially terrifying and unAmerican in the way Barack Obama crosses the street. We currently have a mini-controversy (or mini-mini-mini-controversy) about how Michelle and Barack did a fist pound last Tuesday, as they embraced on stage. Seriously. Someone on Fox News, apparently completely unaware of any recent developments in American culture, went on the air to wonder if this was a "terrorist jab." Joe Scarborough, who is a former Republican representative in Congress, had a great deal of fun with this on his show on MSNBC. This is how ridiculous it's getting - a former Republican is making fun of Fox News.

Go to this page on HuffPost to watch the video on Morning Joe. It even has Ali G interviewing Pat Buchanan. God bless competition among news programs. Every now and then idiots are made to look like idiots.

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