Thursday, June 5, 2008


One interesting aspect of this very long primary race is that there is now a great deal of material to be analyzed, thot over, regretted, learned from.

The WaPo has a good analysis. The title explains quite a bit:
'She Could Accept Losing. She Could Not Accept Quitting.'
I think this may be because of something that has gone largely unremarked in this campaign: Hillary had never lost a campaign before this. She ran against two Republicans (in her Senate races) that no one (including me) remembers. Obama, on the other hand, ran for Congress in 2000 and lost. There's that old saying that failure can be the best teacher. At this point in her life, Hillary must be having a hard time adjusting to having to deal with the need to quit.

The Wall Street Journal has an analysis that puts it succinctly:

The bottom line is this: She called the biggest plays, and she got them wrong.
There's also this, which I hadn't heard before:
The Clintons were unfamiliar with caucuses: Mr. Clinton had left Iowa to native son Sen. Tom Harkin in the 1992 Democratic race and was unopposed there for his 1996 re-election.
So the Clintons didn't know their own blind spots. That is probably true in other respects, as well.

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