Monday, February 9, 2009

USC in the NYT!

The University of Southern California was mentioned twice today in the New York Times - on the same page! And it wasn't in the sports section! It was on the front page of the Arts section.

First up was an entire article devoted to the glorious new home of the School of Cinematic Arts, my alma mater, and the greatest film school in the history of the universe. The new building is being paid for mostly by the great and wise George Lucas, because he went to USC, and he firmly believes that cinema should be taken more seriously in education. I wholeheartedly agree with him, and am very grateful for his generosity. He actually gave a building once before, but that one is being torn down. I am almost as grateful that the old building is being torn down as I am happy that the new one is being built. I wouldn't quite call the old one an "architectural monstrosity," but "mistake in concrete" would definitely be appropos. Damn but it was an ugly building. So, thanks George, and thanks to Elizabeth Daley, the dean of the school, and a fantastic fundraiser. If and when I am rich, I will endow something or other at USC. Apparently there is, inscribed in stone in the new building, the phrase "Limes regiones rerum," which is Latin for the school's motto, "Reality ends here." Some people think that's cheesy, but I love it.

The other mention of the best university in Southern California was in an article about the Grammys. The Trogan marching band, no stranger to pop music on live television, (they backed up Fleetwood Mac on "Tusk") backed up Radiohead. Good for them. I didn't watch the Grammys, but I'm glad Coldplay won for Viva La Vida. Love that song. Video could have been better, but great song.

I would like to this opportunity to point out that, although I am, of course, a fan of the Trojan marching band and I like Fleetwood Mac, the video for Tusk is, in my opinion, one of the worst music videos ever made.

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